Graphics and sound demos
1986: The Grafik- und Sounddemo (graphics and sound demo) even made it to the cover page of the "ST Computer" magazine.
(Archive of the ST Computer Magazine, 1986)
I programmed the music with a self-made music editor (for which I got the first price in a music program competition of the ST Computer Magazine).
Download 'graphics and sound demo'
Watch it as javascript remake at (thank you, Dave!)
Watch it at YouTube

I programmed the music with a self-made music editor (for which I got the first price in a music program competition of the ST Computer Magazine).
Download 'graphics and sound demo'
Watch it as javascript remake at (thank you, Dave!)
Watch it at YouTube

Gruseldemo (Scary demo)
February 1987: Ghosts, monks, skeletons: The Gruseldemo (scary demo)
Download Gruseldemo
Watch it as javascript remake at (thank you, Dave!)
Watch it at YouTube

Download Gruseldemo
Watch it as javascript remake at (thank you, Dave!)
Watch it at YouTube

- Nice comments regarding the graphics demo are here ("...this demo shines with karma and happy feelings...")